Dr Vida Ahmadi With Pen Name Dana Kamran

Alchemical Literature
Dr Vida Ahmadi With Pen Name Dana Kamran

psychoanalyst and symbologist of Literary
and Artistic works and professor of Azad University of Mashhad _ Iran

طبقه بندی موضوعی


A glance on 2 forgotten meanings of 2 Persian words


In Persian language,  2 words Honar ( in English Art) and Danesh ( in English Knowledge and Science) have 2 meanings that I have divided these meanings into


A)general meanings


B)special meanings


General meanings( in present Farsi language) are more useful in comparison with special meanings and these second meanings have been forgotten during the history of Persian language


For me in this aeticle the special meanings of these two words are more important and notable because I think that the real identity of Honar and Danesh are their special meanings.I clarify it more


In Persian language when some one says Honar,it means for example: music, cinema,painting, or like this.Also when some one uses word Danesh ,it means for instance: literature, chemistry, psychology or


But in old times, Honar meant VIRTUE and Danesh meant WISDOM


Hafez (Iranian mystic poet) says


حافظ تو ختم کن که هنر خود عیان شود


با مدعی نزاع و محاکا چه حاجت است


In this poet he meant by Honar: Virtue


Or Saadi ( another Iranian poet) in his book Golestan, says

از نفس پرور، هنروری نیاید


He means that a human who is captured by moral vices, whims , passion and evil wills,can not fullfiles her or his  potential abilities and talents.Therfore  self fulfillment and self actualizing is real art and the one who can do it ,is a real artist


On the other hand, Danesh basically means  Wisdom and I mean by wisdom is a combination of Intuitive and Rational  abilities and capacities


Consequently the real meaning of these two important words refers to an alchemical reformation for being. So the one who can be transformed from potential to actual( from evil toward good) is real owner of Honar and Danesh