Dr Vida Ahmadi With Pen Name Dana Kamran

Alchemical Literature
Dr Vida Ahmadi With Pen Name Dana Kamran

psychoanalyst and symbologist of Literary
and Artistic works and professor of Azad University of Mashhad _ Iran

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۷ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «Dr Dana Kamran» ثبت شده است

Ethymology of name Vida

"Vidya" is sanskrit root of name

" Vida".Its meaning is " Knowledge" and " Insight".

Vida Ahmadi

شعری سروده دکتر ویدا احمدی با نام قلمی دانا کامران با عنوان سوغات فردایی

منم تاریک اینجایی تویی خورشید آنجایی

من از تاریک می ترسم بیا سوغات فردایی

من و این کودکی های پر از ادراک آغوشت

تو و گهواره خواب و ترنم های لالایی

نمی دانم که چشمانت به استدلال که خفتند

نه با عرفان صدرایی نه با برهان سینایی

هنوزم چشم در راه عبور عشق تو مانده

هزاران چشم نور آمیز این گردون مینایی

ببین زیبای من خورشید پشت ابر پنهان است

بیا تا شب بمیرد باز ای صبح اهورایی

به جان سهروردی من غریبم تشنه نورم

رهایم کن از این بیگانه تاریک غوغایی


Vida Ahmadi

 25th Farvardin

Memorial day of Attar Iranian muslim mystic poet and his literary masterpiece" the conference of the birds"


Vida Ahmadi

حجم: 18.3 مگابایت
From barrier to flight

A psychological view to The confronce of the birds of Attar

Vida Ahmadi


مدت زمان: 2 دقیقه 6 ثانیه

Vida Ahmadi


A glance on 2 forgotten meanings of 2 Persian words


In Persian language,  2 words Honar ( in English Art) and Danesh ( in English Knowledge and Science) have 2 meanings that I have divided these meanings into


A)general meanings


B)special meanings


General meanings( in present Farsi language) are more useful in comparison with special meanings and these second meanings have been forgotten during the history of Persian language


For me in this aeticle the special meanings of these two words are more important and notable because I think that the real identity of Honar and Danesh are their special meanings.I clarify it more


In Persian language when some one says Honar,it means for example: music, cinema,painting, or like this.Also when some one uses word Danesh ,it means for instance: literature, chemistry, psychology or


But in old times, Honar meant VIRTUE and Danesh meant WISDOM


Hafez (Iranian mystic poet) says


حافظ تو ختم کن که هنر خود عیان شود


با مدعی نزاع و محاکا چه حاجت است


In this poet he meant by Honar: Virtue


Or Saadi ( another Iranian poet) in his book Golestan, says

از نفس پرور، هنروری نیاید


He means that a human who is captured by moral vices, whims , passion and evil wills,can not fullfiles her or his  potential abilities and talents.Therfore  self fulfillment and self actualizing is real art and the one who can do it ,is a real artist


On the other hand, Danesh basically means  Wisdom and I mean by wisdom is a combination of Intuitive and Rational  abilities and capacities


Consequently the real meaning of these two important words refers to an alchemical reformation for being. So the one who can be transformed from potential to actual( from evil toward good) is real owner of Honar and Danesh










Vida Ahmadi


Meanings of Overcoming giant and dragon and monstor  in literature and art

By:Dr VidaAhmadi(Dana Kamran)

In many literary and artistic works there is a hero who encounters with a giant or dragon or monster and she or he must fight with them and conquer the whole of them to achieve her or his goals.

These giant and monster and dragon are symbols in literature and art.In this short article,I indicate 2 general symbolic meanings of these groups of symbols and then I explain them briefly .These two main groups are as follow

The basic concepts

secondary meanings

In basic meanings there is a monster or dragon and hero destroys it.

But in secondary meanings  hero faces with a person or thing that has no dragon's or monstor's appearance  but indeed the inner of that enemy is like a devil dragon or monster. Therefor dragon and monstor in these cases are

A) moral vices

B) fears

C) Anxiety

D)wrong thought or belief

I want to clarify it with examples.In so many fairy tales or other kind of literary or artistic works an evil human or a fals belief or wrong thought can be the same dragon or giant that must be defeated.In the conference of the birds written by attar (Iranian mystic poet) limited attitudes of birds toward themselves and life is their monster or dragon or mephisto in faust written by goethe or stepmother and stepsisters in cinderella are other symbols for this meaning.So the shape of this enemy is not important but what is notable is the form of facing with it .this is the case

Basically in all these meanings hero conquers and dragon and monster defeated and destroyed

Also it can be another symbolic meaning for alchemy. hero kills dragon or giant and by this victory  her or his dark nigredo finished and her or his Albedo and Rubedo or self developing and actulizing happen.this is the real meaning of gold in alchemy





Vida Ahmadi