Dr Vida Ahmadi With Pen Name Dana Kamran

Alchemical Literature
Dr Vida Ahmadi With Pen Name Dana Kamran

psychoanalyst and symbologist of Literary
and Artistic works and professor of Azad University of Mashhad _ Iran

طبقه بندی موضوعی

۱ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «nigredo» ثبت شده است


مدت زمان: 24 ثانیه

My this poem is on three stages of alchemy to achive gold as the most important aim of this art

Blackness or nigredo

Whiteness or albedu

Redness or rubedo

And the most beautiful form of alchemy is on human's transformation of being

I have written on this subject in this site

Vida Ahmadi